Month: October 2024

Are You In The Way?

Are You In The Way?

Are You In The Way?

“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are.” Psalm 25:4-5 NIV

I remember those summers spending time at my grandparents’ house, and how my cousins and I would always find ourself staring at the television screen right in front of where granddaddy was sitting. Well he had no problems reminding us kids, that we weren’t made out of glass to see through and to move out the way.

It reminds me how sometimes the action of distractions can put us in the way. But even in those DISTRACTIONS, God wants us to trust his way, will, and process. I believe the question of are you in the way, gives way to the thoughts of are we trusting God, to just get out of the way.

What does getting out of the way look like? It is trusting God’s word, following His lead, watching what only He can do in our lives, a willingness to leave everything in His capable hands, and the faith that he knows what is best for us.  I remember the lighting flashing and the thunder roaring when I stayed at my grandparents. My grandmother would tell my cousins and I, to be quiet, God is working.  Even as kids we were taught about the importance of respecting God, and when he is in motion our best bet is to quietly get out the way. Amen.

Remember friends, we are each others’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.

Can You Dig It?

Can You Dig It?

Can You Dig It?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Lord have mercy y’all, I know some of my uncles and aunties remember, saying these word “Can you dig it.” is an informal expression that means, do you understand what I am saying? I hear it a lot on some of my favorite 70’s television shows, like Sanford and Son, Good Times, and What’s Happening.

Now the scripture I have chosen today, tells us to trust in the Lord and not trust our own ways. Yep, I have my guilty shirt somewhere in the closet or is it in my storage container. Either way, I have tried it my way, time and time again only to have to come back to the drawing board. Yes, I was prideful and silly.  I was that hamster on that wheel going round and round and not getting anywhere. Same old same old. But one day I got tired of the insanity, I realized there was a better way. God’s way. His timing is perfect.

Even the best-laid plan we think we have friends, cannot begin to measure up to the magnificent plans of the Good Lord. God’s ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts. He can see so much further and clearer than we can.

We often will not understand how God is causing “all things to work together for good, but when we trust him with all our hearts, He shows us what making a way out of no way really looks like. Friends you don’t have to understand everything when you are trusting God. His word tells us to lean not to your own understanding. And when we acknowledgement of Him, our are paths are directed and lead.

Can you Dig it?! The scripture shares the lives of those who lived understanding that just that.

Solomon, God gave him great understanding, wisdom and a large heart.

The Sons of Issachar, these people were known for their understanding of the times

Job, learned to trust in God’s wisdom even when he didn’t understand why bad things happened.

Moses, a reluctant leader who led the people out of Egypt.

Ruth, a loyal woman who faced poverty death, and social discrimination

David, repented and had his words about God etched in history

Peter the Apostle, a man who overcame personal and spiritual struggles to show his belief in Jesus.

The benefits of trusting in God: Peace, direction confidence, and strength. Jesus prayed to his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, asking him to spare him from the pain of his crucifixion, but he choose to put his fathers will before his own. “not my will, but yours be done.” Keep praying about it, trust in God, and keep the faith. You are on the winning side.

Remember friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby

You’ve Come A Long Way Baby

“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:7-8 NLT

I am sure some of you have heard that catchphrase, I used as my title today.  Now I am no smoker, and I’ve never been. Virginia Slims slogan “you’ve come along way baby,” got me thinking about what those words can mean in a spiritual sense.  I thought about how it could represent a reflection of this journey we call life, and how we came through the hoops and hurdles, even with scratches or scars, we made it. I think about the songs I sang in the night.

“Trouble in my way, I have to cry sometimes, trouble in my way, I have to cry sometime, I lay awake at night, but that’s alright, I know Jesus will fix it after while.”

Reminding myself that I serve a mighty God and through him I have victory. Keep the faith Jannie, just keep the faith. I have come along way baby. Coming up through the years, I think about how Good God has been to me, despite my foolish ways. Oh, how sweet it is to be loved by Him. For he walks, talks, and showed me the hills and valleys I have already came through

You too have come along way baby. You are living testimony of how a life with God makes the difference. He reminds us, that no matter where, he is always with us.

As we reflect on our own journeys, think on these few things, while you keep on pushing:

Personal growth, how we are developing and becoming the best version of ourselves.

Love yourself enough to make yourself a priority.

Happiness, take your own kind of joy wherever you go

Achievements, remember they come in all sizes.

Who are you helping and how does it help you.

Personal fulfillment, do you feel it down in your soul

Positive impact, making a difference in the ordinary, looks extraordinary on you.

You’ve come a long way baby, God only knows where and what you been through. But didn’t he lead you through it? And like the footprint I know he carried me. I read somewhere, “when you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, remember the teacher is always quiet during a test. Shush…God’s working on our behalf.” Amen.

Remember friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.

A Life That Shows

A Life That Shows

A Life That Shows

“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.” Proverbs 21:21 NIV

Consistently throughout scripture God is portrayed as the giver of life, which distinguishes living organisms from inanimate things. Life is contingent upon the continuing, sustaining, “breath” of God.

This past weekend I attended a funeral with my husband. Not in the traditional sense. We were in his Semi Truck, along with two other drivers who all gave a trucker salute to the dearly departed in unison. It’s nothing like those diesels humming.

Sitting there in the truck I gazed out of the window seeing all the graves with various dates. With death all around, my thoughts were on life. What kind of life did they all live. What kinds of hurdles did they come through, the laughter, and love they shared with their families. “As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” Proverbs 27:19

On of my favorite Gospel groups, Commissioned came out with a song called, A life that shows. It is from the 1989 album, Ordinary Just won’t Do. Let me share some of the words with you.

You need a life that shows, every single day in every way.  A light that glows. People deal with us every day, seeing us come and likewise go.  They listen to what we say and what you stand for they don’t know. A little upward show will let them know it’s the Lord you stand for. You need a life that shows, you need to be a light that glows.

Sometimes blending in is misunderstood, as being afraid or being ashamed. Take a stand my friend this you should. You belong to Jesus be proud you’re wear his name. cause you are his, go ahead and be a witness, go on and be a guiding light. You need a life that shows. You may be the only help that some will ever know. Be a light that glows.

Let your light shine before all men. So, men can see the way, you can show them to a brighter day, there is a world filled in darkness, maybe you’re the only light they’ll ever know. Let your light shine. Amen.

Remember friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.