A Willing Spirit

A Willing Spirit

Together with kindness and in understanding, let’s take this time to self reflect. I am here to inspire, encourage, and remind you that God has given us the most important weapon we have to fight the enemy, his Word.

Now let’s dress our soul like we dress our bodies, EVERYDAY!

A Willing Spirit

“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41 NKJV

Let me share this lighthearted story titled, the Spirit is Willing, but the Dentures are Missing by Stan Toner, Grandpa and grandma were sitting in there porch rocks watching the beautiful sunset and reminiscing about “the good old days,” When grandma turned to grandpa and said, “Honey to you remember when we first started dating and you used to just casually reach over and take my hand?” Grandpa looked over at her, smiled, and took her aged hand in his. With a littles smile, Grandma pressed a little further, “Honey, do you remember how after we were engaged you’d sometimes lean over and suddenly kiss me on the check?” Grandpa leaned slowly toward Grandma and gave her a lingering kiss on her wrinkled cheek. Growing bolder still, Grandma said, “Honey, do you remember how, after we were first married, you’d nibble on my ear?” Grandpa slowly got up from his rocker and headed into the house. Alarmed, Grandma said, “Honey, where are you going?”  Grandpa replied, “to get my teeth.”

The scripture goes along with Easter as Jesus prepares to make the ultimate sacrifice of Love for us. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and the sins of the whole world. Just before Jesus arrest, we see him in the Garden of Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” The command came after Jesus had been praying to the father and later found the disciples sleeping instead of praying. He had asked them to stay awake and pray with him, but their eyes were heavy.They slept right up until the time the armed mob came to take Jesus away.

The story of the disciples in Gethsemane rings true for all of us. The dictionary defines the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, to say that a person wants to do something, but cannot from lack of strength or energy. Jesus tells us what we can do-“watch and pray.” We can only remain faithful when we are devoted to prayer. In prayer, we continually allow God to forgive us, cleanse us, teach us, and strengthen us to obey Him. We all know the struggles as distractions come for us. But when we watch and pray- we remain spiritually alert and appeal to God for help. And when we fail, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, He is the King Of Glory.

Remember we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.


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