Don’t Mess with God’s People

Don’t Mess with God’s People

Together with kindness and in understanding, let’s take this time to self reflect. I am here to inspire, encourage, and remind you that God has given us the most important weapon we have to fight the enemy, His Word.

Now let’s dress our soul like we dress our bodies, EVERYDAY!

Don’t Mess with God’s People

“But the Lord said to Moses, “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for with a strong hand he will send them out, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land.” Exodus 6:1 ESV

This is a story about justice and how God uses his people to bring about change. Exodus begins with the birth of Moses, his upbringing in Egypt, and the command from God to Pharaoh, delivered by Moses and Aaron: “let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.” The Lord gave Moses and Aaron stern words for Pharaoh regarding what happens when you mistreat his covenant people.

Of course, Pharoah was not trying to hear anything Moses or Aaron had to say when he is told plagues are coming to Egypt.  Over the next several chapters of Exodus God continue to send horrifying plagues in Egypt. Even with everything Pharaoh was able to see going on around him, he still would not obey Gods order to let His people go. Not only did pharaoh harden his heart, but the bible says that God also hardened his heart too.

God told Moses that there is one more plague to come, after which Pharaoh would relent and let his people go. Moses prophesied to Pharaoh that the next plague would be the death of all the firstborn of Egypt. Pharaoh continued in disobedience. Devastated at the death of his son, Pharaoh reluctantly let God’s people go. However not without one final attempt to display his anger and revenge. But pride goes before destruction, doesn’t it? He  and his army drowned in the Red Sea.

Even when we don’t know how, we must trust that God does. Friends, he will step down into our situation and work it out. I know for myself that it’s easier said than done. When we feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and with a cup overflowing, ask yourself two questions. First, is there anything too hard for God? And secondly, if He is for us, who can stand against us? His Word will never fail us. Do yourself a favor, and wait on him. Trust his timing.

Remember friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.

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