Finding Strength in Trust

Finding Strength in Trust

Finding Strength in Trust

“The Lord strengthens and protects me; I trust in him with all my heart. I am rescued and my heart is full of joy.  I will sing to him in gratitude.” Psalm 28:7 New English Translation

Eagles are stunning and majestic birds that God created. Their wingspan can get up to seven and half feet, and they can glide at altitudes of ten thousand feet for hours. The wind can carry them for miles, so they save energy and can soar for long distances. Likewise, friends, when we trust in the Lord, we are like that eagle, who is carried both far and wide, and no matter where we may be on our journey, we have a God who cares about us.

The mere act of CHOOSING to trust in God is COURAGEOUS. It is often called a leap of faith. Trust him with your goals, plans, family, children, business, and everything else in your life. Trust him when you can’t make heads or tails of which way to go. No, we don’t always have the answer, but keep looking to the hills, that is where all your help comes from. It comes from the Lord. He knows the way.

Here are a few ways to grow in our faith:

  1. Make small changes
  2. You must be willing to Step out of your comfort zone
  3. You gotta read God’s Word, that’s real soulfood
  4. Connect to other positive, inspiring and encouraging believers.
  5. Pray about everything.

“Lord, I do trust in you. And I rest in that trust now, knowing that your strength lifts me up and sustains me to complete all that you have given these hands of mind to do today. AMEN.”

Remember friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.

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