Jesus Our Advocate and Cheerleader
Together with kindness and in understanding, let’s take this time to self reflect. I am here to inspire, encourage, and remind you that God has given us the most important weapon we have to fight the enemy, his word.
Now let’s dress our soul like we dress our bodies, EVERYDAY!
Jesus Our Advocate and Cheerleader
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 NLT
You have your advocate and cheerleader beside you daily as you simply, GO FOR IT! As we step out in the name of Jesus Christ, his mighty power is at at work within us doing far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream. Not only has he begun this work in us, but the word tells us he will continue his work until it’s finally finished. Yes friend, you go right ahead and start drafting up those plans the Lord has put in your head to do.
What does it mean to an advocate? An advocate is a person who comes to our aid or pleads our case. They offer support, strength, counsel and intercede for us when necessary. The Word tells us that Jesus is an advocate for those who have put their trust in him. The English word advocate has been translated from the Greek word parakleton, which means, “helper, advisor, or counselor.” The dictionary defines the word cheerleader as a person who encourages and openly supports the success of a person or cause.
The illustration of what God as our cheerleader would look, comes from well known Christian author Max Lucado. He says:
“God is for you. Turn to the sidelines; that’s God cheering your run. Look past the finish line; that’s God applauding your steps. Listen for him in the bleachers, shouting your name. Too tired to continue? He’ll carry you. Too discouraged to fight? He’s picking you up. God is for you. God is for you. Had he a calendar, your birthday would be circled. If he drove a car, your name would be on his bumper. If there’s a tree in heaven, he’s carved your name in the bark. We know he has a tattoo, and we know what it says. ‘I have written your name on my hand,’ he declares (Isa. 49:16).”
No doubt about it, God loves and cares for Us. We are the center of his affection and the apple of his eye. He’s been right there, cheering us on. Because of his love and great sacrifice we are over comers. Express yourself joyfully because you know where your help comes from and that gives you courage! You ain’t just anybody, you a child of the Most High God. He is our biggest fan. He is not only rooting you on, but he will see you through it.
Remember we are each others keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.