Tag: #distractions

Are You In The Way?

Are You In The Way?

Are You In The Way?

“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are.” Psalm 25:4-5 NIV

I remember those summers spending time at my grandparents’ house, and how my cousins and I would always find ourself staring at the television screen right in front of where granddaddy was sitting. Well he had no problems reminding us kids, that we weren’t made out of glass to see through and to move out the way.

It reminds me how sometimes the action of distractions can put us in the way. But even in those DISTRACTIONS, God wants us to trust his way, will, and process. I believe the question of are you in the way, gives way to the thoughts of are we trusting God, to just get out of the way.

What does getting out of the way look like? It is trusting God’s word, following His lead, watching what only He can do in our lives, a willingness to leave everything in His capable hands, and the faith that he knows what is best for us.  I remember the lighting flashing and the thunder roaring when I stayed at my grandparents. My grandmother would tell my cousins and I, to be quiet, God is working.  Even as kids we were taught about the importance of respecting God, and when he is in motion our best bet is to quietly get out the way. Amen.

Remember friends, we are each others’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.