Tag: #godfirstamen

You Got a Right to Change Your Mind

You Got a Right to Change Your Mind

You Got a Right to Change Your Mind

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge to him, and he shall direct thy path.” — Proverbs 3:5–6 KJV

What an awesome thought friends when it comes to the right to change our minds. We never have to stay in the shape we are in, we can choose to change it up ya know. Thank you, Jesus. You have the right to live free, to love, to laugh, to let go of things that benefit you not. You have a right to change how you feel about something, that may have been somethings but now it’s just nothing.

The bible is filled with people who had to some dramatic life changing encounters, slash transformations. Let’s look at a few who indeed changed their minds.

Moses who became more aware of the bad treatment the Jews received from the Egyptians. He told Pharoh, God said let my people go. Moses changed his mind. Samson, who was blessed with incredible strength. Even though he did his own thing at times, he had a moment that humbled him turning him to the Lord in faith. He changed his mind. Mary Magdalene is one of the most important figures in the gospels. She was a disciple and supporter of the Lord and the first to see His post-resurrection form. It was her that Jesus went to announce that He had risen again. But her story begins much differently. She changed her mind. What about Saul, who was on his way to Damascus.  His close encounter with Jesus, was the starting point of a new life. He changed his mind too.

You and I have decided that not only was change good, but it was necessary. You have a right to do better, stand taller, and be stronger. You have right to trust God with what’s on your plate, you have a right to praise him for all the blessings he has given you, and you most certainly have a right love, live, and laugh. Changing our mind is not just about altering our thoughts or beliefs, it goes far beyond that. It involves a deep look and willingness to challenge our own assumptions. It is where we humbly lay ourselves at the Lord’s feet. It is also an acknowledgement that we don’t have all the answers and yes, there is always room for growth and improvement in our lives. Changing our minds is not only a state of mind, it’s our response in action. It’s your right to choose. Yes friends, you got a right to change your mind.  Amen.

Remember friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.