Tag: #jannievtaylorgreen

Word Up!!

Word Up!!

Word Up!!

“But if I say, “so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:17 NIV

Last weekend I was looking at some of my old cell phones. Yes, y’all I still have my first-generation iPhone. It is still in the black and pink case that I bought for it.  Unfortunately, It still only shows the red need to charge sign and then it shuts off. You know I may take it to the geek squad at Best Buy to see if there is any hope for it.

On the other hand, my iPhone 4, lit up like a Christmas tree, no service without the SIM card of course, but plenty of forgotten pictures from yesterday.  Both phones fit into the palm of my hand. I thought to myself, these were some powerful devices in their day.

You know what else is powerful? The Word of God. It is life changing to those who believe. Words have real power friends. God spoke this world into being by the power of His words, we were made by in his image by that same powerful Word. I like talking about all the wonderful things Words can do. They do more than just convey information; they can make an impact.

This past Monday I shared my So Good to know blog with my family. Let me share it with you today.

I titled it:

Grandma’s Kitchen

I see my grandmother in so many things, in her kitchen I saw the cornmeal, representing her diversity because she knew how to get her point across. There is the all-purpose flour and like it she was always suitable for any occasion. Oh yes, how about some sugar, she was sweet with plenty of love to go around. Here is the baking powder, and just like it, when she needed to be heard, she would increase her volume. She definitely provided the flavor of salt; it gave a lasting impression. With strong bones, like milk she was always there to give a helping hand.  Don’t forget the eggs, she was the protein that held us together. Finally, look what I found, the shortening (Crisco), it was like her too, coating things evenly. She was Our Fair Lady.

So good to know

After gathering all of those ingredients together, I realize I have her Cornbread. I can still taste it, fresh and hot right out of her cast iron skillet. When I think of my grandmother, I smile. There are so many beautiful moments and memories I shared with her. She was a beautiful lady who was both caring and loving. What a blessing it made in my life to have her.

Sharing the post with my family brought us together on common ground of someone we all loved and cared about. There was such an outpouring of love from everyone. It was like in that moment that we were all together around the kitchen table, waiting on that cornbread. Apart and together, we all took a trip back in time.

What does God’s Word do? Like my title Word Up, it reminds us it heals, restores, motivates, awakens, activates, equips, reveals, builds, provides correction in love and truth. King David knew the preciousness of God’s word when he declared, I seek you with all my heart, do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:10-11.

The Word of God is his alive with the power to inform, reform and transform!! Hallelujah!! Glory to his name!

Remember friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time you should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.

Grandma’s Wisdom

Grandma’s Wisdom

Grandma’s Wisdom

“Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long-life bring understanding?” Job 12:12 NIV

December 18, 1991


 In the time when you are weak God is strong. Take up the Whole Armor that you may stand in these evil days. Gear up with the Belt of Truth, then put on your Breastplate of Righteousness, on your feet is Peace shield yourself with Faith, protect your head with the Helmet of Salvation, and in your hand is the Sword, which is the Word of God.

 Love your Granddaughter,

 Jannie V. Cudjo

 I was twenty-two years old when I wrote this loving message to my grandmother. I found it in her Bible, still neatly folded between the pages. My grandma, Madea, Jannie V. Taylor Green passed away March 16, 2013. When I found the forgotten note, I took my time reflecting on those sweet memories of her and I laughing together, as I drove us to the grocery store. I would push the buggy as she went from isle to isle with her list in hand. And the cooking she would do, yep I just kept my plastic bowl in my car, cause I was gonna want to take some of whatever she cooked home. Even after all these years, I still get sentimental when I think of her. But I focus on those sweet memories that bring a smile to my face. I was blessed to have had her to share in a great many of the milestones in my life. She was always there with love and support for me.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the wisdom my grandmother shared. She taught by example. She took care of business, stretching every penny. She always took the time to show me how to do thing. It was never a bother. I think she enjoyed teaching us kids. My grandmama loved me like the rock of ages, she loved me. Grandma knew God for herself and reminded me to keep Him first. Her selfless acts of love and prayers made room for my family’s dreams. She encouraged us to live life, and the importance of pushing through to fulfill our goals.

If you are blessed to have your grandma, show her love. Make the time to go by and see her. Don’t put off what you can do today. Give her those flowers so she can smell them right now. She needs to see your love in action: kindness, gentleness, joy, and laughter. Let there be no regrets of what you should or could have done. Friends, if we keep living, we too, will be those seniors needing all the love, understanding, and compassion others can give.

Allow me to share this short exert from my first book, Out of the Belly:

As I wiped the tears from my eyes, I took my finally loving look at my grandma, who was sleeping in the bosom of God. I knew he would take good care of her for the family and me. In my few moments standing there alone, I spoke in just a whisper, “I will carry the love and memories of you as long as I live. It will never be goodbye, and one day, if I live my life half as good as you did, I will see you face to face. Oh, what a reunion that will be. Until such a day, I will smile when I think of you. Oh, one more thing, could you do me a favor? While you are up there singing with the angels, can you keep an eye on me?”

Did I tell you she looked beautiful in pink?

Remember Friends, we are each other’s keeper and the only time we should be looking down on someone is when we are helping them up.